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Public-private partnership to tackle trade barriers and foster inclusive growth in Agri-food sector


Feb 15, 2024

Looking back at a successful workshop focused on unlocking borders and empowering growth in the Agri-food sector with the Global Alliance for Trade Facilitation

In an effort to streamline trade processes and foster inclusive economic growth, the Global Alliance for Trade Facilitation recently organized a workshop om the Netherlands focusing on the agrifood sector. The Alliance, a public-private partnership dedicated to promoting trade-led growth, collaborated with ICC NL and VNO-NCW to address key challenges hindering cross-border trade within the Dutch market.

The workshop, attended by representatives from both the public and private sectors, aimed to identify trade barriers specific to the Netherlands and explore solutions to enhance the flow of goods across borders, particularly to and from developing and least-developed countries (LDCs). By bringing together government officials and businesses as equal partners, the Alliance endeavors to cut through bureaucratic red tape and eliminate costly delays at borders.

One of the central themes of the workshop was the importance of streamlining data flow and reducing reliance on paper documents within Dutch trade processes, which often contribute to inefficiencies. Participants also delved into issues surrounding traceability of goods in the Dutch agrifood supply chain and explored ways to ensure mutual agreement in interpreting trade agreements within the Dutch context.

The Alliance's approach emphasizes collaboration between the public and private sectors, recognizing the critical role of Dutch businesses in identifying trade issues and driving meaningful change within the international trade. While the Alliance receives funding from organizations such as USAID, the Government of Canada, and the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development, it relies on the expertise and insights of Dutch private sector stakeholders to address targeted trade reforms within the Netherlands.

Moving forward, the Alliance plans to engage in individual meetings with Dutch sector representatives to further explore identified challenges and develop tailored solutions specific to the Dutch market. By leveraging the expertise and resources of both the public and private sectors within the Netherlands, the Alliance aims to facilitate smoother trade processes and enhance trade competitiveness, ultimately contributing to inclusive economic growth and poverty reduction.

Reach out for more information or to participate as we work collaboratively to overcome trade barriers and create a more conducive environment for global trade.

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