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Policy Commissions

ICC global policy commissions are specialised working bodies composed of business experts who examine major issues of interest to the business world. 

ICC Policy Commissions are specialised groups that bring together members’ expertise to help shape the organisation’s policy and standard-setting activities. They also inform members about global regulatory policymaking.


The Commissions engage businesses worldwide, build consensus on policy issues, share intelligence, and support high-quality policy outputs that align with ICC’s strategic objectives. Commission leaders are appointed by the ICC Chair for a three-year period, renewable for a second term.

Arbitration and Dispute Resolution

As a unique thinktank of ICC Dispute Resolution Services, the Commission pools expertise to deepen awareness and insight on practical and legal arbitration and Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) issues. It contributes to refining the ICC Dispute Resolution Rules and offers practical tools, recommendations, and model clauses in reports and guides available on the ICC website and in the ICC Bulletin. The latest report and guide from the ICC Commission on Arbitration and ADR enhance understanding of various dispute resolution methods and how to resolve international arbitration disputes effectively.

Environment and Energy

The commission on Environment and Energy is committed to infusing business expertise into pivotal environmental and energy-related global discussions. With an eye on the upcoming COP29, it seeks to contribute valuable insights from the business world to the UNFCCC negotiations. It also aims to craft guidance for policymakers on enhancing the efficacy of carbon pricing mechanisms, specifically addressing concerns of linkage, pricing, and allocation of proceeds. Addressing the pressing global issue of plastics pollution, the commission offers business perspectives to aid in the creation of an impactful international treaty. Additionally, the commission is in the process of piloting and refining the ICC Sustainable Trade Framework, underscoring its dedication to sustainable practices in international trade.

Digital economy

The commission aims to pioneer advancements in the digital economy with a particular emphasis on cybersecurity. The commission is also committed to offering vital business perspectives to shape the ongoing UN cybersecurity discussions. In addition, it advocates for a global alignment with the OECD’s principles concerning trusted government access to private sector-held personal data. Lastly, the commission seeks to guide the creation of international policy frameworks that promote the seamless and trustworthy flow of data, drawing on practical industry methodologies.

Anti-corruption and Corporate Responsibility

The Commission provides a vital platform for sharing best practices and engaging with policymakers on key topics such as integrity, business ethics, transparency in reporting, and human rights. Central to our mission is the development of an "Integrity Advocacy Toolkit" designed to assist companies and local business networks in combating corruption effectively. We are also committed to updating the ICC Rules on Combating Corruption and the ICC Anti-Corruption Clause, reinforcing our stance against unethical practices. Additionally, the commission is pioneering the creation of the first industry framework for responsible dealings in "sensitive" markets, marking a significant step in promoting ethical business conduct globally.

Marketing and advertising

The commission on Marketing and Advertising seeks to modernize and reinforce the standards and practices within the advertising industry. Its primary focus is on revising the ICC Marketing and Advertising Code to ensure it remains relevant and adaptive to contemporary challenges. The commission emphasizes the enduring importance of self-regulation in marketing and advertising, particularly in areas of increasing significance like diversity and the adoption of novel technologies. Moreover, it advocates for the widespread acceptance and application of established ICC frameworks and guidelines, such as the ICC Framework for Responsible Environmental Marketing Communications, with the aim of instilling trust in corporate claims related to sustainability.

(trade, supply chain and export finance)

The commission is dedicated to advancing and modernizing the banking sector, particularly focusing on trade, supply chain, and export finance. A key goal is to enhance the ICC Trade Register, establishing it as the premier source of market intelligence for trade finance products, serving banks, investors, and regulators alike. We advocate for equitable capital treatment of trade finance assets in significant legislative initiatives and promote the digitization of ICC trade finance rules, including the development of standardized APIs. Our efforts also include updating financial crime and risk policies for trade finance transactions, revising the ICC’s guidelines for processing letter-of-credit transactions ("ISBP"), and providing expert guidance on ICC banking rules through opinions and technical advisory briefings.

Commercial law and practice

The commission aims to modernise and streamline commercial law and practices. It seeks to provide businesses with practical tools for efficient implementation of ICC Incoterms® rules globally, update the ICC’s collection of model contracts to reflect evolving business requirements, and advocate for the update of legal structures to accommodate and promote the digital transformation of cross-border trade processes.


The commission is focused on evolving competition policies to align with contemporary challenges and business needs. Its primary goals are to reform antitrust policies to facilitate vital industry collaboration in addressing global climate and sustainability objectives, specifically in Europe, North America and LatAm. The commission also seeks to harmonize national merger control procedures, offering businesses more clarity and consistency in international operations. Moreover, it aims to guide companies through the intricate policy landscapes associated with foreign subsidies.

Customs and Trade facilitation

Focus on enhancing customs and trade facilitation processes on a global scale. Its main objectives include offering valuable insights into pivotal World Customs Organization initiatives, especially concerning valuation and product classifications. It also aspires to be at the forefront of discussions on contemporary challenges faced by national customs agencies, with a focus on digital transformation and the circular economy. The commission promotes the enhancement of ‘trusted trader’ programs by suggesting modifications to pertinent WCO standards. Provide a platform to identify – and respond to – key in-country trade facilitation challenges utilising the full reach of ICC’s national committee network.

Intellectual property

The commission on Intellectual Property is centred on shaping and guiding the evolution of IP policy frameworks to address contemporary challenges and opportunities. It aims to offer insights on potential policy measures to counteract the rising concerns over abusive third-party financing of IP lawsuits. Additionally, the commission provides input into UN discussions to fine-tune existing legal structures that govern the nexus between scientific research, innovation, and biodiversity conservation. It is also committed to facilitating the deployment of resources that assist small businesses in maximizing the benefits from their IP holdings. Overall, the commission underscores the significance of fostering policy environments conducive to innovation.


The commission on Taxation is dedicated to shaping coherent and effective global tax policies that cater to contemporary business and societal needs. Key objectives include offering essential business perspectives to shape international tax reforms, particularly within the OECD’s inclusive framework and the anticipated new UN convention, with a strong emphasis on tax certainty and global coordination. The commission ardently champions the creation and implementation of comprehensive mechanisms to prevent and resolve tax disputes. Additionally, in response to evolving work dynamics post-pandemic, the commission spearheads discussions on suitable tax frameworks for cross-border teleworkers. A crucial focus is also to guide businesses in understanding and navigating the intersections of tax policies with environmental objectives and the broader landscape  reporting.

Trade and Investment

The commission on Trade and Investment is committed to advancing and refining the global trade and investment landscape. It actively participates in shaping discussions related to the reform of the World Trade Organization (WTO) system. An important advocacy point is to persuade governments to permanently prohibit the imposition of customs duties on data transfers. The commission provides vital business perspectives to steer the WTO e-commerce negotiations towards a high-standard resolution. Furthermore, it takes a prominent role in global dialogues, promoting potential trade policy changes that can expedite the adoption and expansion of circular economy principles.


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